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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Saint John Chysostom

Today (Septemper 13th), is the memorial of one of my favorite saints, Saint John Chrysostom (d. 407), whom I discovered before becoming Catholic while reading about the Eastern Orthodox Church (he is also a great saint of the East). Chrysostom in Greek means "golden-mouthed."

He was uncompromising, both in moral and social teaching. The men of his diocese were unhappy to hear that they were held to the same standards of chastity and fidelity as women and the rich were unhappy to hear that private property reulted from the Fall.

Prayer to Saint John Chrysostom:

Dear Saint John, your oratorical gifts inspired thousands and earned you the name "golden-mouthed." Continue to inspire Christians through your writings and grant us a rebirth of Christian preaching for the spiritual renewal of the Church. Obtain from God preachers like yourself who, animated by the Holy Spirit, deserve to be called other Christs and forcefully preach the Good News. Amen.