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Tuesday, December 09, 2003

A Day Late and A Dollar Short

Where I am, yesterday was the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Being in East Asia, I received the following prayer by email this morning from a member of the Catholic Information Network (CIN):

Most holy Virgin, who, being predestined to become the Mother of God, was preserved by a singular privilege from original sin and filled with grace, confirmed in grace and enriched with all the gifts of the Holy Ghost, do thou accept, we pray, the homage of our most lively admiration and of our most profound veneration, the expression of our intense and reverent affection.

Beholding in thee a relic of the earthly paradise that was lost to man, purer and more spotless than the snowy splendor of mountain tops bathed in light, in that magnificent act of treading upon the proud head of the infernal serpent, the heavens exulted, earth was filled with joy and hell trembled with fear. With thee came the bright dawn of man's redemption from sin, and when the children of men, having for centuries anxiously scanned the horizon in expectation of a fairer day, raised their heads, they discovered thee on high like a radiant vision of paradise and saluted thee with a cry of holy enthusiam: "Thou art all fair, O Mary, and in thee there is no original stain."

At our feet, O Mary, the muddy torrent of lust did not halt, as it did before thine, that torrent still flows across the world and threatens continually to submerge our souls also. We bear about within us and perceive around us countless deadly incentives that cease not to urge us on to savor the foul pleasures of sensual passion. O good Mother, enfold us under thy mantle, protect us from the snares of the infernal enemy, renew in us our love ofthe angelic virtue, and grant that, by ever keeping vivid in our hearts the reflections of thy heavenly brightness, we may be able one day to sing to thee a hymn of love and glory in the world to come. Amen.