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Saturday, February 14, 2004

Catholic World News (CWN) Subscribers Comment on Korean Cloning

From Scientists create, kill cloned humans to extract stem cells:
    I believe that we have passed a watershead mark in human history. People will be deceived into believing that this is good, but in the process human beings with souls will be discarded after "harvesting". May God have mercy on us.
    Posted by:
    Feb. 13, 2004
    3:26 PM EST

    When a child is conceived, something new and wonderful that has never been before comes into being: a new soul. To destroy that life is to deny that soul's natural and God given potential. It is a sin against Hope. It is a sin against God. There is no middle ground here. This is abortion. This is murder.
    Posted by:
    Feb. 13, 2004
    10:19 AM EST

    Worldwide society seems to be moving faster and faster on this slippery slope. I just pray that Jesus comes sooner than later. Lord Jesus, Come!
    Posted by:
    Feb. 12, 2004
    8:47 PM EST

    Great scientific advance or the first step on the slippery slope to a master race? Since I place no trust in human nature, my money is on the latter. I just pray that God gives us the grace to stay our hand on this one.
    Posted by:
    Feb. 12, 2004
    6:34 PM EST