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Thursday, February 26, 2004

Faith in America

Dr. Richard Land, of the Southern Baptist Convention, from How religion defines America:

    "According to an ICM poll in January 2004, Americans believe in the supernatural (91%), an afterlife (74%), 'belief in a God/higher power makes you a better human being' (82%), God or a higher power judged their actions (76%), and perhaps most tellingly 'would die for their God/beliefs' (71%).

    "In 1880 Dostoyevsky wrote in The Brothers Karamazov that 'If God does not exist, then everything is permissible.'

    "The history of his native Russia, wracked by the atrocities of atheistic communism for most of the 20th century, serves as a most graphic example of the truth of his conclusion.

    "Nazism, above all detested religion because it called for allegiance to something greater than the state, namely God.

    "When 71% of Americans say they would die for their faith, they are pledging allegiance to a loyalty beyond their loyalty to their country and are saying the exact polar opposite of 'my country, right or wrong.

    "It is very important at this point to make a critical distinction: to be willing to die for one's faith is utterly different than to kill for it."