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Tuesday, March 02, 2004

"Deafening Silence" on DPRK Human Rights

From Look who's trying to help:
    "In an annual report on human rights around the world issued last Thursday, the U.S. State Department branded North Korea as one of the cruelest regimes and the worst abuser of the rights of its citizens. The news followed another report by Britain's BBC-TV on Feb. 4 that North Korea was killing political prisoners in gas chambers. The BBC report said it had uncovered documentary evidence that North Korea was testing new chemical weapons on women and children, the families of dissidents and political prisoners, held in secret jails.

    "But those reports were greeted by deafening silence from the administration of President Roh who prided himself in having been a human rights lawyer. Maybe, he was only concerned with the human rights of those who were persecuted by the conservative rulers in the South and couldn't care less about the rights and fate of his fellow Koreans who are being abused and murdered by the Stalinist regime in the North."