Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Friday, April 23, 2004

Korean Catholics and Life Issues

UCA News Online published an article today with some extremely discouraging statistics regarding Korean Catholics:
    Nine out of ten of Koreans, "regardless of religion, said [abortion] should be allowed either with or without conditions."

    "As for the actual practice of abortion, 34.2 percent of Catholic women respondents and 40.1 percent of women of other religions said they have had an abortion. More Catholics than people of other religions, however, said they have had more than three abortions."

    "[T]hree of 10 Catholics believe life begins at birth, though the Church teaches life begins the moment the egg is fertilized."

I'm reminded of an exchange my wife once read posted on the website of a local OB/GYN. It was between a woman and a doctor, both members of our parish. It began with the traditional Korean Cathoilic greeting of "Chanmi Yesu-nim" (Praise Jesus) and went on to ask about methods of artificial birth-control!

Another terrible episode: My wife's pregnancy with our first child was confirmed when she was hospitalized for asthma at a local Catholic hospital. Seeing that I was a foriegner, the doctor asked her, "Do you want to keep it?" A Catholic hospital!

I pray that our bishops and our priests will devote their efforts to creating a culture of life among Korean Catholics.

Omnes Sancti et Sanctae Coreae, orate pro nobis.