Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Self-congratulatory and Dangerous Nonsense

The latest English-language editorial from OhmyNews is entitled The Genius of OhmyNews: The "Every Citizen is a Reporter" model of journalism is dogging conservative news at every step. How's that for modesty?

The problem with the "'Every Citizen is a Reporter' model of journalism" is that journanalim is a profession, like medicine or law, that requires rigorous training and demands a strict code of ethics. How about "Every Citizen is a Doctor, a Lawyer, or an Airline Pilot" models?

Here are some of the more ridiculous, and frightening, quotes from the article:
    "In the heavens of the New Media world, no star shines brighter than that of OhmyNews, South Korea's Internet-based experiment in citizen journalism."

    "OhmyNews blew apart the conservative news hegemony in the country and led the way for the election of President Roh Moo-hyun in 2002. And now, Roh's Uri Party has swept into power in Parliament by a victory in the National Assembly elections, also compliments of the steady voice of OhmyNews."

    "Every real journalist, at heart, is a social engineer, and OhmyNews founder Oh Yeon Ho is no exception."

    "According to the UCLA Center for Communications Policy World Internet Report,... [s]even in ten Korean users believe that most or all of the information on the Web is accurate or reliable."

    "We do not regard objective reporting as a source of pride. OhmyNews does not regard straight news articles as the standard. Articles including both facts and opinions are acceptable when they are good."

    "John Dewey would've loved OhmyNews."

If this is the future of journalism, we all have lot to be worried about. Welcome to mobocracy!