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Monday, June 21, 2004

Korean Hostage Kim Sun-il Update

China, Japan Offer Support for Release of Korean Man in Iraq, Free the Hostage: Sacrificing Innocent Civilians Is Inhumane Crime & `Please Save Our Son at All Costs,' Family Cries

Katolik Shinja's Opinion: The headline of that last story reminds us that every victim in the Iraq War, Iraqi, American, or Korean, is someone's son, father, brother, sister, mother, daughter, or friend. The family, not the individual, is the fundamental unit of any society.

I can understand Mr. Kim's family's call for Korean troops to be pulled out. Who wouldn't do the same? However, President Roh seems to be wisely holding the course (see Despite Kidnapping Incident, S. Korea Vows to Deploy Additional Troops). A Spanish-like capitulation would send the wrong message to terrorists, and more kidnappings and atrocities would occur.

The Iraq War right or wrong (and this blogger leans toward the latter view), South Korean troops are being sent to preserve the peace. Mr. Kim's kidnapper's are most likely foreigners who want nothing more than a continuation of violence and chaos in Iraq.

For excellent coverage on these terrible events, see Ruminations in Korea and Budaechigae, and I urge everyone to keep Mr. Kim Sun-il and his family in his or her prayers. You might also want to pray for the conversion of his captors.