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Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Coming Dark Ages

From The Death of Morality:
"'Catholics thought,' some supercilious history professor of the not-too-distant future will say with a smirk, 'that human nature itself was some kind of an eternal given, that it provided a kind of impassable limit, and that from the "eternal givens" [chuckle!] of human nature something called "mo-ral-i-ty" [and here he/she/it will need to spell this strange word] arose from these givens. This is a somewhat understandable error. Just as it appears that the sun is rising, so also it appeared to them that human beings could only be created in the same way as is common among other animals. This lack of imagination was rooted in a lack of technology. We note this pattern in a number of areas. Telescopes allowed human beings to see that the vastness of the cosmos demonstrated how insignificant a speck they were, and hence they wisely gave up the belief that the Earth was at the center of the universe. So also, the new genetic technologies have made clear: "Our only limit is our imagination!"'"