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Monday, July 12, 2004

Valparaíso y Neruda

Re: Chileans Celebrate Poet Neruda's Centennial

Valparaíso, Chile is one of the most beautiful cities I've every visited. It is also home to one of poet Pablo Neruda's three incredible homes. [Being a Communist didn't prevent him from having excellent taste.] While living in Chile, I tried to appreciate the poet's work; something that is almost de rigueur among Chileans. I have to confess to failing in that endeavor, however. I found his poems either embarrassingly carnal and lusty, or overly political. Still, many consider him the greatest poet of the Twentieth Century in any language.

    Chileans walk past a poem, estimated to be
    two-kilometers-long, written by admirers of
    late Nobel prize-winning poet Pablo Neruda,
    to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his
    birth, in the center of the Chilean coastal
    city of Valparaiso, July 11, 2004. Chileans
    threw a giant poetry fest one day before
    Neruda's July 12th birthday.
    REUTERS/Eliseo Fernandez