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Monday, August 23, 2004

Language and Thought

From: Absence of linguistic skills could hamper thinking ability:
    "[A] language lacking words for certain concepts could actually prevent speakers of the language from understanding those concepts"

Here's a summary of the study:
    "According to New Scientist, the researchers experimented with a Brazilian tribe called Pirahc, whose language allows counting only upto two. They found that when the members of the tribe were shown more objects they were unable to tell the difference between four objects placed in a row and five in the same configuration."

The study seems to support the Linguistic Determinism of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which "states that there is a systematic relationship between the grammatical categories of the language a person speaks and how that person both understands the world and behaves in it." This idea is in opposition to Noam Chomsky's idea of the "innateness and universality of language."

One interesting thing to ponder is the thesis of Think No Evil: Korean Values in the Age of Globalization by by C. Fred Alford, that the Weltanschauung of Koreans is determined by the fact that their language contains no word that equates to the English term "evil."

[Thanks to Not Quite Catholic But Still Enjoying It! for the link.]