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Saturday, August 21, 2004

Phillipines News

Re: Church: "Two-child policy is anti-family"

When will the world realize that Malthus was wrong?

Sadly, even many Catholics don't adhere to the Church's teaching on contraception. My wife, who is pregnant with our second child (due next March), was asked by a Catholic woman yesterday why she hadn't used contraception!

Still, the teaching remains and will remain. It towers against the ethos of the Zeitgeist. It is a prophetic teaching; I know of at least one Protestant who joined the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church because of her teaching on contraception. When I was worshipping in an Anglican congregation, I was scandalized to learn that that Communion had been the first to abandon Christian teaching on contraception in 1930. This encouraged me to become Catholic.

Here is the teaching: