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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Prophetic Words from Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky

Here are few passages from the Dostoyevsky's The Devils, written in 1871, "a grim prophecy of the Russian Revolution" and, in my opinion, of much of "Progressive" thought.

First, one of the minor characters in the novel decribes the ideas of another in a book in which he prosposes:
    " a final solution to the problem to divide humanity into two unequal parts. One-tenth is to be granted absolute freedom and unlimited powers over the remaining nine-tenths. Those must give up their individuality and be turned into something like a herd, and by their boundless obedience will by a series of regenerations attain a state of primeval innocence, something like the original paradise. They will have to work, however. The measures the author proposes for depriving the nine-tenths of humanity of their true will and their transformation into a herd by means of the re-education of whole generations, are very remarkable. They are based on the facts of nature and very logical."

The same charecter continues two pages later:
    "We are urged... to close our ranks and form groups with the sole purpose of bringing about general destruction on the pretext that however much you tried to cure the world, you would never succeed in curing it, while by adopting the radical measure of chopping off a hundred million heads we should ease our burdon and be able to jump over the ditch with much less trouble." (my emphasis)

Here, another character speaks:
    "The only thing that's wanting in the world is obedience. The desire for education is an aristocratic desire. The moment a man falls in love or has a family, he gets a desire for private property. We will destroy that desire; we'll resort to drunkeness, slander, denunciations; we'll resort to unheard of depravity; we shall smother every genuis in infancy. We shall reduce everything to one common denominator. Full equality." (my emphasis)

That last quote reminds me of the program of Cultural Marxism that has been underway in the West since at least the 1960s. First, destroy the Civilization and all its vestiges (religion, the family, marriage, morality, decency, courtesy, etc.), then build the Socialist paradise.