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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Sikh Security

From Sikh Group Finds Calling in Homeland Security:

    Mukta Kaur Khalsa, left, an
    official of the Sikh Dharma
    religious group, and Daya Singh
    Khalsa of Akal Security with
    President Bush last September.
    Akal has donated generously to
    political campaigns.

I knew a few American converts to Sikhism while living in Buffalo. They seemed to be seriously trying to adhere to the tenets of their adopted monotheistic faith, unlike many Americans or Canadians I've met who claim to be "converts" to Buddhism or Hinduism. These latter ones seem to want religion (or "spirtuality" as they call it) without any rules or effort.

Still, what a sad state the West is in when so many of its children are compelled to look to the East for spiritual fulfillment.