The Smiling Face of Evil
Late Term Abortion Care - Women's Health Care Services, P.A. is the website of an abortuary that cares. They bill themselves as "Specialists in 2nd Trimester Elective and 2nd/3rd Trimester Therapeutic Abortion Care [sic]."
They even have a chaplain (see Meet Our Chaplain):
The Rev. George Gardner assures us that "[s]piritually, abortion is acceptable in ten of the world's religions and in Christianity many denominations affirm and uphold the right of a woman to make the choice of abortion." His services include "the celebration of spiritual sacraments such as baptism [sic] of the still born fetus and blessings for the aborted fetus."
[At this point, one might ask, does not the woman who aborted her child need the services of some kind of chaplain. Of course she does! "Abortion has two victims: One dead, one wounded." The wounded victim does not need someone to lie to her and say that her decision to kill was "spritually acceptable." Above all, if she is Catholic, she needs the Sacrament of Reconciliation (provided that she did not go ahead with her abortion in full knowledge that the penalty for abortion was excommunication). If she is a non-Catholic, she needs whatever spiritual assistance her religion can give. If she's non-religious, she probably won't admit the need for any assistance. All women could benefit from the services of organizations like Rachel's Vineyard, "a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion."]
The link to the abortuary above came to my attention from Mrs. Anne Shirley of Ruminations, who aptly described it as "chilling." She also provides a link to a pro-life site called Abortion No - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Take a look at their anti-Abortion Trucks! This kind of in-your-face tactic is just what is needed on the issue of abortion.
Katolik Shinja is visited by some non-Catholics (and maybe some non-orthodox Catholics) who might think that abortion is a "complicated issue." It would be good for them to view the little mutilated bodies in the Abortion Pictures from the same site to see how simple the issue really is.
As Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong."
Late Term Abortion Care - Women's Health Care Services, P.A. is the website of an abortuary that cares. They bill themselves as "Specialists in 2nd Trimester Elective and 2nd/3rd Trimester Therapeutic Abortion Care [sic]."
They even have a chaplain (see Meet Our Chaplain):
The Rev. George Gardner assures us that "[s]piritually, abortion is acceptable in ten of the world's religions and in Christianity many denominations affirm and uphold the right of a woman to make the choice of abortion." His services include "the celebration of spiritual sacraments such as baptism [sic] of the still born fetus and blessings for the aborted fetus."
[At this point, one might ask, does not the woman who aborted her child need the services of some kind of chaplain. Of course she does! "Abortion has two victims: One dead, one wounded." The wounded victim does not need someone to lie to her and say that her decision to kill was "spritually acceptable." Above all, if she is Catholic, she needs the Sacrament of Reconciliation (provided that she did not go ahead with her abortion in full knowledge that the penalty for abortion was excommunication). If she is a non-Catholic, she needs whatever spiritual assistance her religion can give. If she's non-religious, she probably won't admit the need for any assistance. All women could benefit from the services of organizations like Rachel's Vineyard, "a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion."]
The link to the abortuary above came to my attention from Mrs. Anne Shirley of Ruminations, who aptly described it as "chilling." She also provides a link to a pro-life site called Abortion No - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. Take a look at their anti-Abortion Trucks! This kind of in-your-face tactic is just what is needed on the issue of abortion.
Katolik Shinja is visited by some non-Catholics (and maybe some non-orthodox Catholics) who might think that abortion is a "complicated issue." It would be good for them to view the little mutilated bodies in the Abortion Pictures from the same site to see how simple the issue really is.
As Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said, "If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong."
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