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Sunday, November 14, 2004

De-Christianization in the UK

Britain's Royal Navy last month extended official recognition to the practice of Satanism, according to The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, an article that mentions several other disturbing trends in the UK, among them:
    "[A]mong those who professed their Christianity, when asked what they considered important to their identity, religion was cited by only 17% of white Christians, after other factors such as family, work, age, education, gender, income and social class. By contrast, among black people, 70% of whom say they are Christian, religion was third on the list, and Asians placed it second, behind family.

    "The survey also showed a weak Christianity among youth. Just 18% of Christians aged 16 to 24 considered their religion as important. Religion was more important for young people in other groups: 74% of Muslims; 63% of Sikhs; and 62% of Hindus."

Who ever said Christians have nothing to learn from non-Christians?