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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Pat Buchanan on Koreatown

Jeff Culbreath, of El Camino Real, links today to what he rightly calls "arguably the greatest American political speech of the century": the 1992 Republican National Convention Speech by Patrick Buchanan. It was in this speech that the "Culture War" was defined for most Americans.

Like Mr. Culbreath, I, too, "have soured on Pat Buchanan, primarily because of his frequently irresponsible rhetoric on the subject of immigration." America does not face the same crisis of immigration as does Europe, whose immigrants come largely from Islamic lands. Our immigrants are mostly from Christian and Western Latin America. Hispanics are the only demographic group that is not attempting to abort, contracept, or sterilize itself out of existence in the US. Their presence will make us a better country.

The strong family values of Asians are also benefical to America. Mr. Buchanan singled out Korean-Americans, 70% of whom are Christian, in his 1992 speech:
    "And there were the brave people of Koreatown who took the worst of the LA riots, but still live the family values we treasure, and who still believe deeply in the American dream. "