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Saturday, December 11, 2004

I am a Race-Traitor

At least it appears that Sam Francis would think so. Writing in an article entitled MORALITY NOT THE ONLY TARGET OF MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL AD, about the Nicolette Sheridan-Terrell Owens ad scandal, Mr. Francis says the following:
    But the ad's message also was that interracial sex is normal and legitimate....

    Breaking down the sexual barriers between the races is a major weapon of cultural destruction because it means the dissolution of the cultural boundaries that define breeding and the family, and ultimately, the transmission and survival of the culture itself.

I couldn't disagree more with this kind of hogwash.

Our word "culture" comes from the Latin colere, meaning to inhabit, to cultivate, to protect, to honor with worship. It is especially this last meaning that is most important.

My wife and I might be of different "races" and have different customs, but we hold the same Catholic Faith and are ultimately citizens of the same Universal Church. Thus, we will pass the same culture to our children. Being Catholic precedes being American or being Korean.

Nationalism and ethnocentrism, of the type Mr. Francis espouses in his article, are both rather recent developments. They are not traditionalist or conservative ideas. They were the destruction of Christendom. The community of nation and language is a gift that shoud not be denied, but there are greater things.

Blessed Charles I, the last Austro-Hungarian Emperor, saw his empire not as a collection of various nations, but as a Christian family. The Church sees the Kindgom of God in much the same way.