Saturday, December 11, 2004

On this blog you will find the opinions of one Katolik Shinja (Catholic believer). On matters of Faith and Morals, I place myself in full obedience to Rome, and if I am in error, I beg the informed reader's correction. In all other matters, e.g. politics, economics, and culture, I seek guidance from my Catholic Faith and God-given reason, fully acknowledging that others may use the same to arrive at opinions radically different from my own.
This blogger's motto might be "I link, therefore I am." I have little interest in presenting original or novel ideas, or detailing the mundane events of my personal life, although I will do both from time to time. Rather, I aim to provide links to articles and ideas that I find interesting and that I think deserve a wider readership.

The Saviour of the World
Domine Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferiori, perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent.

Ave Maria
ìì´ì´ ê°ëíì ë§ë¦¬ìì¬ ê¸°ë»íìì! 주ê»ì í¨ê» ê³ìë ì¬ì¸ ì¤ì ë³µëìë©°, íì¤ì ìë¤ ìì ëí ë³µëìëë¤! ì²ì£¼ì ì±ëª¨ ë§ë¦¬ìì¬, ì´ì ì ì°ë¦¬ 죽ì ëì ì°ë¦¬ ì£ì¸ì ìíì¬ ë¹ì´ì£¼ìì. ìë©.

Saint Andrew Kim Taegon
O God, You have created all nations and You are their salvation. In the land of Korea Your call to Catholic faith formed a people of adoption, whose growth You nurtured by the blood of Andrew, Paul and their companions. Through their martyrdom and their intercession grant us strength that we too may remain faithful to your commandments even until death. Amen.
jsny1998 at yahoo dot com
Joshua Snyder's Homepage
The Snyders of Pohang
The world's most wired country
Old history, fresh tension in Northeast Asia
North Korea: "A Living Hell"
Vatican: the Holy See
Douay-Rheims Bible
Latin Vulgate Bible
Catholic Church in Korea
ì²ì£¼êµë구ëêµêµ¬(ARCHDIOCESE OF DAEGU)

Catholic Answers
The Catholic Calendar Page
Catholic Culture
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic Prayers
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Worker Home Page
Code of Canon Law
Credo of Buffalo
Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi
Institute of Christ the King
Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate
The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mortal Sins, Venial Sins and Imperfections
Our Sunday Visitor
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum
Catholic News Agency
Catholic News Service
Catholic Online
The Catholic Report
Independent Catholic News
Seattle Catholic
Spero News
TCR News Headlines
Union of Catholic Asian News
ZENIT News Agency
Asia Times - Korea
The Chosun Ilbo
Daily NK
The Dong-A Ilbo
The Hankyoreh
Joong Ang Daily
The Korea Herald
Korea Times
OhmyNews International
The Seoul Times
Yonhap News
Catholic Answers Forums
St.Blog's Parish Hall
The Christian Century
Christianity Today Magazine
First Things
Touchstone Magazine
The American Conservative
The Chosun Journal
A n g l o s p h e r e
Birkenstocked Burkeans
Orestes A. Brownson, The American Republic
Greatest of Centuries
Farmers of Forty Centuries
The Politics of Architecture
The Principle of Subsidiarity
Ten Conservative Principles by Russell Kirk
Traditionalist Conservatism Page

Assisi Animal Foundation
Biafra Nation
Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
Metric Martyrs Defence Fund
Population Research Institute
Viola da Gamba Society of America
Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
Bethune Catholic
The Caelum et Terra Blog
Catholic and Enjoying It
Confessions of a Recovering Choir Director
A conservative blog for peace
Dappled Things
The Discalced Yooper
The Fifth Column
Hallowed Ground
Inn at the End of the World
In principio erat Verbum - Îν αÏÏη ην ο ÎογοÏ
Memoirs of a Neophyte
Mixolydian Mode
Shrine of the Holy Whapping
Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor

<<#St. Blog's Parish?>>
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DPRK Studies
Flying Yangban
GI Korea Blog
Gypsy Scholar
Hunjangûi karûch'im
The Lost Nomad
The Marmotâs Hole
Monster Island
~ oranckay ~
The Party Pooper
Seoul Hero
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"We have heard enough of liberty and the rights of man; it is high time to hear something of the duties of men and the rights of authority." -- Orestes Brownson (1803â1876)
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