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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Another Group of Fanatics Seeks to Impose its Religious Beliefs on the Rest of Us!

At least that's how our progressivist friends would read the following story from the Dominion of Canada:

But such an interpretation would be completely wrong!

These Sikhs are not trying to impose any religious belief on anyone. Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, the highest Sikh authority, is not asking the Canadian Sikh MPs to support legislation insisting that Guru Nanak was inspired by God or demanding devotion to the Adi Granth, any more than Pope John Paul II has ever called for legislation in favor of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Protestants are mistaken when they resort to Leviticus or the "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" line of argumentation. This might work when preaching to the choir, but not when dialoging with people of other or no religious beliefs. Gay "marriage" is a moral and social issue, not a religious* issue.

One need not look to Scripture, but to God's other Revelation, Creation, to agree with Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti that homosexuality is "totally against the laws of nature." Even atheistic societies like Cuba and the former Soviet Union have correctly recognized the dangers homosexuality poses to a society. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans, in their decadence, not to mention the various Indian tribes of North America or the islanders of Melanesia, never dreamed of elevating such unions to the status of procreative marriage.

Leave it to the dying West to consider such lunacy!

*Words like "moral" and "religious," and really all words, have lost their precise meanings to post-moderns, who believe words have no meaning and are only defined by power-relationships. This situation makes logical discussion impossible. As Confucius said, "When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty."

[For more on this theme, see Poll: Israelis say no 'gay pride' in Holy City]