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Monday, March 28, 2005

The Disabled and Terri Schiavo

This article came as a link in an email from a disability listserv to which I belong:

These lines struck me:
    To be put to death without trying absolutely every means to preserve that life including proper rehabilitation is simply murder or in properly prepared situations suicide. No one truly knows where Terri would be today if she had been given all resources that had been available to her and no one truly knows what Terri's wishes were, probably not even Michael Schiavo. However, the days that Terri has spent clinging on to life speaks [sic] volumes. When a person is ready to give up they [sic] slip into death and without any will to live, Terri Schiavo would have been gone a long time ago [sic]. It is painfully and horrifically evident that Terri is fighting to hang on and despite court rulings and the claims of Michael Schiavo, this "vegetable" is telling me [sic] she wants to live. [my emphasis]