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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Other Religious Voices on Terri Schiavo

The following quotes come from Ethics of life and death often create a divide:

Raphael Davidovich, Orthodox Rabbi of the Adath Jeshurun Synagogue:
    The life that Judaism places the highest value on is not just a full, conscious, active life, but any human life....

    There's no measurement in Jewish ethics for how conscious a human life has to be in order to be a human life... There's no doubt in traditional Jewish ethics that Terri is alive and should not be deprived of any care without her consent.

Ahmed Noor, trustee of the Mosque & Islamic Center in Hampton, VA:
    Human beings are the crown of God's creation. Every moment of life has great importance, even if it is of poor quality.

Monsignor Michael McCarron of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church:
    Our church has an unyielding, unalterable stance on life regardless of its activity. If you're negating human life - whether in euthanasia or abortion or capital punishment - then you're off base.