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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Saturday, April 23, 2005

JIMMY posted this reader comment yesterday:
    I saw a clip today of a young German woman being interviewed in Rome. I forget her exact words, but she indicated that the election of Benedict represents the redemption of Germany: the country that produced Hitler has now produced a Pope.
If only the world agreed!

The title for this post comes from this article, linked to by Procrastination Central today:The same theme is taken up by this must-read* article:As a man of Germanic descent and an admirer of Germany (especially Bavaria, from where Pope Benedict XVI hails), I pray the new Holy Father will be a very German Papst indeed, and that he will stand against the prevailing Zeitgeist to present the Catholic Weltanschauung to the world.

Just as John Paul the Great brought the best of Poland to the papacy, as the great Italian popes did with Italy, and as Cardinal Arinze would have done (and might someday do) with Igboland**, Pope Benedict XVI will bring his country's particular genius to the Church.

*at the very least for these lines:
    The elevation of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger to the papacy testifies to the value of the College of Cardinals as an electoral instrument, particularly in comparison to the periodic circuses by which the "democracies" now choose their titular heads. Next to this dignified, multilingual, and immensely learned German churchman, who will be henceforth known as Benedict XVI, our current "democratic" leaders, exemplified by the tongue-tied W and his English lap dog Tony Blair, look almost infantile. One needs the pen of an H.L. Mencken to depict this staggering contrast, which seems particularly striking at a time when we are launching wars to make the rest of the world resemble the "democratic" West.
**The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a colonial creation; thus, it is impossible to speak of a Nigerian people or culture. It is, however, possible to do so of the Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, or Tiv.