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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Homosexuals and White Males: An Analogy
I while back, I posted the Catholic position on homosexuality on a progressivist's blog. I tried to do so charitably, stating that homosexual persons have an unfortunate inclination, which is only sinful when acted upon. This idea was met with rabid hostility by a practicing homosexual fellow-commenter who brought up "dress-wearing" cardinals, "Hitler's Pope," and other such nonsense.

Today, weeks too late, I suddenly thought of this analogy: Catholics see homosexuals as progressivists see white males. Being a white male is not in itself evil, but it inclines one toward evil patriarchal and racist thoughts and actions. Just as the Catholic says a homosexual person can be redeemed through orthodox belief and the sacraments, so do progressivists have their methods of redemption for white males: politically-correct orthodoxy and the "sacrament" of deviant sexual behavior. There is even a parallel to the Sacrament of Confession, in which the progressivist white male must constantly denounce not only his own sins, but even more so the sins of his ancestors.

This makes sense, because Progressivism really began as nothing more than the social teaching of Catholicism minus the authority and metaphysics that hold it all together and make it both human and divine. It is really no wonder then that Progressivism, like all heresies, should so mirror the Catholic faith from which it originates and deviates.