Hot off the Presses!Spero News has just published its latest edition with this article by yours truly:
Old history, fresh tension in Northeast Asia.
Here is a list of links to all of this week's stories:
Is Jesus mainstream enough?: Jeff Miller discovers that there has been much contentious talk as to whether the son of a carpenter could be Messiahabile as there have been several false alarms when some person or some prophet was considered to hold the needed qualities
Brutal killing terrifies Pakistani Christians: APMA strongly condemns the killing of pastors and repeated attacks on Christians
Concern over bibles in Bahasa Malaysia: Malaysia correspondent reports on remark made in Parliament hinting at limiting distribution of bibles
Andrew Greeley challenged to expose predator ring:One year on and still no response notes Matt C. Abbott
Jamaica: A land of contrasts: Penni D’Aulerio goes on a whirlwind trip to Jamaica and finds there is more to the island than just rum and sand
The Cyber-Gnostic church: David Wayne asks can the Internet really replace the Church?
Eucharistic recollection: Pope John Paul the Great: Thoughts from Father John McCloskey on Pope John Paul II
Alburquerque resident's passion for helping: Jeremy Reynalds has a "good-feeling story" about a woman who singlehandedly founds "Albuquerque Dining Club"
True believers or false deceivers?: Earl Appleby wants to know if Democrats are desperate to regain lost Catholic votes but is their ballyhooed "big tent" really a huckster’s sideshow?
Homeschooling in America: Dy Edington tells how to keep abreast of changing homeschooling rules throughout the States
Does good religious fiction exist anymore?: Amy Welborn tips fiction reading with a spiritual tinge
Eyes On French EU Constitution Referendum: Dr. Mark Byron writes upcoming France referendum vote on EU constitution could be key to determining if euro-zone is too liberal
It's a jungle out there!: Father Kowalski looks at practical ways to keep the spammers at bay
Irish evangelist walks US with cross: Irish-born John Edwards spreading the Word by bearing cross
Arab TV holds media blitz for Pope´s death: Wrap of wire reports regarding coverage of Pope John Paul II funeral in Arab world
A pilgrimage to Rome: Maria Mendez shares the reason for her pilgrimage to Rome for the funeral of Pope John Paul II
Vote for the next Pope - Internet style: Alicia Huntley notes as the conclave goes about the serious business of picking the next pontiff the internet is abuzz - there are even potential Pope fan club sites and the media is noticing
Australians spending up big: Jan Bishop examines report showing wasteful houshold spending in Australia
Religion classes in Quebec public schools: Xavier Basora says the Quiet Revolution changed Quebec - so did the Charter of Rights, now parents are faced with the choice of keeping or abolishing religious education classes
Booby traps in Blogging: Bene Diction writes about blogging hazards
Congratulations, you’re pregnant!: One in a series of articles about issues in family life including family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting from Alicia Huntley
Old history, fresh tension in Northeast Asia: Joshua Snyder writes on current tensions between Japan and China, the rewriting of history and how situation mirrors Japan-Korea relations
Reformation and prophecy on the job: Herb Ely writes in "This world, This day"
Canadian ISP hosts Hamas site: Jeremy Reynalds tells us that the Hamas website is being hosted by Canadian Internet hosting company, UB Hosting, and that it advocates killing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
Gay activists plan Focus on Family: protest Soulforce plans demonstration May 2
It's a pretty impressive project, if I do say so myself.
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