Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Monday, May 23, 2005

"The Alpha Male of the Korbloggers"
That's me, according to some "scientific" analysis done of my writing by a fellow expat here in Korea: Gender Genie and K-bloggers.

Utilizing a writing-analysis program called The Gender Genie, of the K-bloggers sampled, yours truly turned out to be "the manliest of all manly men" with this score:
    Female Score: 491
        Male Score: 1782
These words of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky come to mind: "[I] believe that there is nothing more beautiful, more profound, more sympathetic, more reasonable, more manly and more perfect than Christ." [my emphasis]