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Monday, May 23, 2005

Being Anti-liberal Doth Not One a Conservative Make
The average subject of the book reviewed in this article, South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Media Bias, is described as "an anti-liberal conservative who does not shy away from R-rated movies, drinking, cussing, or having pre-marital sex."

Many R-rated movies are not morally objectionable, drinking in moderation is fine, cussing is at best a sign of inarticulation, pre- or extra-marital sex is a mortal sin and, unrepented of, a one-way ticket to an Eternity in Hell.

A South Park Conservative is an oxymoron (and a moron). Conservatives are interesting in conserving Civilization. These folks are only aiding the Enemy in taking us back to Barbarism.

My advice to the South Park Conservative is to turn off your TV and try reading something older than Ann Coulter.