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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Christian Exodus from post-Baathist Iraq to Baathist Syria
A conservative blog for peace today links to this article on the de-Christianization of Iraq:Here's the introduction:
    When President Bush, a born-again Christian, launched the 2003 war against Iraq, he probably didn't expect one result - that Iraq, once a secular nation, would become especially dangerous for Christians.

    Islamic extremists have bombed churches. They have burned liquor stores and killed their Christian owners. They harass Christian women who don't shroud themselves in black.

    The president probably didn't expect another result - that Iraqi Christians would find refuge in Syria, a country that he often criticizes but that has a strong record of religious tolerance. In the past two years, Syria has taken in as many as 20,000 Christians fleeing violence and persecution in their native land.
[Click on the link for some very moving personal testimonies and interesting descriptions of Syrian Christianity.]