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Monday, May 16, 2005

Cutesy Religious Imagery
The Marmot's Hole yesterday posted a photo with intolerably cute images of Buddha on lanterns (and a link to some decent Buddhist art) in this post: Happy Buddha's Birthday.

I'm not sure why this is, but it seems that many Koreans want their religious icons to look like cartoon characters.

Catholicism is not an exception, sadly. This is the image my parish, 이동성당, chose to represent Pentecost on its website:
If this were all I knew of Catholic "art" and if it were not for the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 A.D., seeing this, I might become an Iconoclast or, if I were not convinced of Christ's divinity, a Mohammedan. I cannot imagine how this kind of imagery can inspire anything close to devotion, veneration, or religious feeling in even a child, much less an adult.

To be fair, my parish does link to some solid devotional Catholic art, like this holy card:
Other examples can be found here: 카톨릭 사진자료.