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Friday, May 20, 2005

On Friends
Today's Old Testament reading, from the book of Ecclesiasticus:
    6:5. A sweet word multiplieth friends, and appeaseth enemies, and a gracious tongue in a good man aboundeth.

    6:6. Be in peace with many, but let one of a thousand be thy counsellor.

    6:7. If thou wouldst get a friend, try him before thou takest him, and do not credit him easily.

    6:8. For there is a friend for his own occasion, and he will not abide in the day of thy trouble.

    6:9. And there is a friend that turneth to enmity; and there is a friend that will disclose hatred and strife and reproaches.

    6:10. And there is a friend a companion at the table, and he will not abide in the day of distress.

    6:11. A friend if he continue steadfast, shall be to thee as thyself, and shall act with confidence among them of thy household.

    6:12. If he humble himself before thee, and hide himself from thy face, thou shalt have unanimous friendship for good.

    6:13. Separate thyself from thy enemies, and take heed of thy friends.

    6:14. A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found him, hath found a treasure.

    6:15. Nothing can be compared to a faithful friend, and no weight of gold and silver is able to countervail the goodness of his fidelity.

    6:16. A faithful friend is the medicine of life and immortality: and they that fear the Lord, shall find him.

    6:17. He that feareth God, shall likewise have good friendship: because according to him shall his friend be.
[Scripture quoted from The Douay-Rheims Bible]