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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thoughts on the Korean Cloning
This is from B.J., a dissenting commenter on a Korea expat blog's post lauding the stem cell breakthrough at SNU:
    A clean conscience is more important to me than the cutting egde science or cure. One has to be absolutely sure about the absence of God to do these things. Me? I won't have a thing to do with it. I believe in the presence of God.
Here's what I added:
    I agree with B.J. The burdon of proof that those embryos are not human life is on the cloners. A doctor wouldn't remove the heart from an adult or child for transplant before confirming that the donor was not alive.

    Just as with abortion, one needs to be an absolutist to be certain this is ethical.
Amy Welborn of Open Book suggests this book: It is described as a "dystopian story [of a] a parallel universe in which humans are cloned and raised expressly to 'donate' their healthy organs and thus eradicate disease from the normal population,... an epic ethical horror story, told in devastatingly poignant miniature."