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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

¡Viva España!
There is much to ponder in this article linked to by Serge of A conservative blog for peace today:The article deals a lot with the great Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, described by Serge as a "[t]raditional Catholic and 16th-century advocate of social justice because of it — and a libertarian and papal hero."

I have spent a lot of time in beautiful Latin America, including in the Mexican town that bears Fray Bartolomé's surname.

It is really amazing how anti-Spanish, and thus anti-Catholic, the high school history education is in North America. This is all part of the Black Legend*, "the depiction of Spain and the Spaniards as bloodthirsty and cruel, greedy and fanatical."

There's really a marked difference in the colonization that occured in Catholic Latin America and Protestant North America. In Latin America, most people are mestizos; in North America, the few mestizos that remain are called Indians and live on reservations.

How much responsibility, I wonder, does the heretical Calvinist doctrine of Predestinarianism have for the wholesale slaughter of the Indian populations of North America? How much better off would the world be had, in 1588, The Invincible Armada proven to be such, and King Phillip II fulfilled his pledge to conquer the Protestant heretics in England and convert them to the Church of Rome?

*For more, see La "Leyenda Negra" antiespañola.