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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Countering Korea's Race Suicide
Something is finally being done abiout the abiove problem: Religions form group to fight low birthrate. Here is a statement issued by "The Civic Alliance to Counter the Low Birth Rate and the Aging of Society":
    Catholics, Protestants and Buddhists share the opinion that the low birthrate is a national disaster. We want to heighten society's awareness of this problem.
The abyssmal birth rate is the most serious problem Korea faces. Relying on the Welfare State to solve the problem is like asking the fox to guard the henhouse; abortion, contraception, sterilization, and euthansia ("The Four Horsemen of The Culture of Death," to borrow Patrick J. Buchanan's phrase) are the Welfare State's tried and effective methods of cost-reduction. Only a cultural rennaissance can save Korea, and Japan and most of the West, from extinction.