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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Growing Hispanic Influence in the United States
Two Catholic bloggers, the first of them a priest, examine this issue:They find that there is nothing to get up in arms about, and, in fact, that there is a lot to be excited about.

I agree. One of the most reverent novus ordo masses I ever attended was at the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Parish in Taos, New Mexico, which is a beautiful town in a beautiful state. Mass was said in English (mostly), Spanish, and some Latin. Rodney King would have been happy, because everybody got along.

Having been a Spanish major and involved to some degree with the Puerto Ricans, Domincans, and Cubans of Buffalo, NY, my experience was that the infamous MEChA-type mentality (por la raza todo; fuera de la raza nada) was confined, like other such nonsense, mostly to the quarter-educated folks that attend our universities on government scholarships. It seems there is no surer way to encourage resentment than by throwing public money at it.