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Sunday, June 12, 2005

How the South Korean Nationalist Left* Views Human Embryonic Cloning...
can be summed up with this image, from "황우석 연구 살인행위"에 네티즌 격론-'황교수 지지' vs '소수 의견 존중해야:
On the right is, of course, President George W. Bush. On the left is Professor Hwang Woo-suk, famous for charting new ethical, not scientific, territory in his human embryonic cloning. Their images are superimposed on a poster for some Korean movie I've not seen nor would care to see.

Here's my attempt at a translation of the content:
    {TITLE}-Bush- Opposes Embryonic Stem Cell Research out of Reverence for Life

    {HWANG} Well, what then is the Iraq War... Afganistan?

    {BUSH} Oh! He's really tangling me up!
Those of us opposed to the War in Iraq might be tempted to concede a point to this parody; however, Catholics among us would remember that while the war in Iraq might be wrong, it is not wrong in the same way that is human cloning (or abortion, or euthansia), which is intrinsically evil. War, after all, can sometimes be right; the cloning of human embryos never can be.

These issues are not really the point of this parody. The point is that a Korean has taken on and bested, so it is thought, the hated leader of the world's most powerful country. As one of my students gleefully stated the day after Dr. Hwang's atrocity, "Because of this, America and Bush are confused." MBC, the Leftist Nationalist broadcaster, advertised a documentary on Dr. Hwang with images of disabled people (including Christopher Reeve) juxtaposed against that of the U.S. President complete with sinsiter backgroud music.

Fortunately, this type of Leftist Nationalist thinking is restricted largely to the so-called 386 Generation** and their juniors. As good Koreans, these youngsters should listen, and more importantly defer, to their elders, who have spoken quite authoritatively on this issue: Catholic, Confucian Groups Speak Out Against Hwang.

Here is part of the Catholic Statement, from the Catholic Bishops Conference of Korea (CBCK), which was printed on a full page in my parish's bulletin:
    Hwang’s research involves the unethical act of cloning and destroying living human embryos. Cloned embryos, as the result of reproduction, are living beings and therefore it can be said that experimentation on and handling of embryos goes against human dignity.
The Confucianist view was given by Choi Kun-duk, head of Songkyungkwan, the 600-year-old Confucianist institute:
    Confucianism firmly believes in human's will to do and be good... Because Confucianism is based on trust of humans it sees professor Hwang's cloning research as an act that goes against the natural laws.
*I'm tempted to call it the Roh Jugend.

**For an explanation of what this means, see this Newsweek article: Korea's 'Generation 386'. I find it to be a very cumbersome, and just plain stupid, way of describing a generation.