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Monday, June 20, 2005

Mr. Truman's Crime Against God*

    The Roman Catholic Church of Urakami stands out over the
    burn-razed cityscape of Nagasaki, in 1945, after the second
    atomic bomb ever used in warfare was dropped by the U.S.
    over the Japanese industrial center. The bombing killed more
    than 70,000 people instantly, with ten thousands dying later
    from effects of the radioactive fallout. An American journalist
    who sneaked into Nagasaki soon after the Japanese city was
    leveled by a U.S. atomic bomb found a 'wasteland of war' and
    victims moaning from the pain of radiation burns in downtown
    hospitals. Censored 60 years ago by the U.S. military, George
    Weller's stories from the atom bombed-city surfaced in June
    2005 in a series of reports in the national Mainichi newspaper.
    (AP Photo)

[image and text from Japan Paper Runs Censored A-Bomb Stories]

Here's the original report, filed September 8, 1945: A Nagasaki Report.

About five years ago, I visited charming Nagasaki, still a center of Catholicism. Here is my post from last August 9: 59 Years Ago Today. The pictures seem to have vanished. I will find new ones for the sixtieth anniversary of this atrocity this year.

*See Catechism of the Catholic Church - Paragraph # 2314.