Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Friday, June 10, 2005

News Roundup
I foresee this becoming a regular feature on this blog: I will link to articles that interest me with a brief introductory blurb. This will save me some time and be easier on the eye for readers. As I don't trust CNN International and the BBC is often dubbed into Japanese, the Internet is the only place I go for the news, so why not link to the articles I find interesting?

This won't be much different from what I've done before, except that news links will not appear as separate posts. When I have something substantial to say or quote, I'll make an individual post.

Here are some stories that caught my eye today:

In San Diego: New Catholic University changes name to John Paul the Great Catholic University

Canadian cultural insensitivity*: Hindu deities' depiction sparks row in Canada

Summit: US and South Korean leaders seek to patch up differences

Clementina Cantoni is free: Italian hostage released in Kabul

The American terrorist: Marching on to Virginia and Armageddon: John Brown and His Heirs

The "Whig history of science": Scientism Standing in the Way of Science: An Historical Precedent to Austrian Economics [via A conservative blog for peace]

*I grew up across the Canadian border and love the country (I probably would have been a Tory in the Revolutionary War); however, after eight years of hearing what a superior country Her Majesty's Dominion is vis-à-vis the United States (Canada is a socialist country; Canadians burned down the White House in 1812, etc.), I sometimes feel the need to demonstrate that their homeland is not the Utopia it is made out to be by the numerous rabid Canadian nationalists teaching English here in Korea. Please understand. [UPDATE: This very issue is covered today by Shelton Bumgarner here: On Being An American Expat In Korea.]