Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Template Woes

I spent a few hours getting this blog to look decent last night. It looked fine at home on my Mac, but this morning at the office, using a PC, I noticed my sidebar content is now at the bottom of the page. I'll try to work something out.

UPDATE: It now looks passable on my PC. Later this afternoon, I'll see if it still does on my Mac.

NOTE: I moved the images of Our Lord, His Mother, and Saint Andrew Kim Taegon and the prayers to them to the bottom of the sidebar. I did this not to de-emphasize Christ and His Church, but to acknowledge that this blog ultimately expresses only the opinions of one Katolik Shinja (Catholic believer). While I try to keep all my thoughts in line with the example of Our Lord and with the teaching of the Church, I realize that I probably fail most of the time. On issues of faith and morals, I will always strive to keep in line with the Magisterium. On issues of prudential judgement, I will strive to be consistent but also to recognize that other opinions are valid. There is the temptation to stick only to issues of faith and morals, on which there is no room for debate, and thus avoid controversial issues like politics and economics, on which there is room for debate. I enjoy these latter issues, so will cover them as well. All opinions expressed on these matters will be my own, and not those of the Church, who offers guidance and advice but not doctrinal teaching on them.