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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Today, we remember...

St. Irenaeus
(A.D. 125-202)

Here is some information about his life and death, from the PATRON SAINTS INDEX:

    Disciple of Saint Polycarp of Smyrna. Priest in 177. Bishop of Lyons. Worked and wrote against Gnosticism, basing his arguments on the works of Saint John, whose Gospel is often cited by Gnostics. Considered the first great Western ecclesiastical writer, he emphasized the unity of the Old and New Testaments, and of Christ's simultaneous human and divine nature. Father of the Church. Martyr....ed in 202 in Lyons, France; tomb and relics were destroyed by Calvinists in 1562; head in Saint John's church, Lyons, France

[image from Christian Authors Database: The Ancient Church]