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Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Ugly Korean
Here are some quotes from Chinese who work for Korean companies in Qingdao, from Chinese Workers Slam Koreans:
    "Some Korean businessmen are so stingy when it comes down to money business with employees, but they squander money like water and lead an extremely luxurious life."

    "Some Korean people are so arrogant, they think they are the best in the world... They look down on Chinese people because we are poorer. I mainly had contact with Korean women, and they always complain how Chinese products are low in quality, and how Chinese maids are clumsy and lazy."

    "Koreans do not seem to earn a lot of money, but they do seem to spend a lot... Most Korean people have to go somewhere after a meal, no matter what time of the day. They go straight to karaoke parlors and love to drink shooters. Some men go to find prostitutes."
I heard a similar opinion expressed while living in Malaysia.

While Capitalism may be the world's least worst economic system, Capitalists are seldom a country's best ambassadors.