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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"The Backstoke of the West"
That's how the title of latest Star Wars* installment was rendered on a pirated DVD made in China, reported on by a fellow in Beirut in a post, Backstroke of the West, which was in turn picked up by Lida of Veritas. Quid est veritas? in San Francisco.

The "English subtitles are a direct translation of the Chinese translation of the original English script." Here is an example:
"Jedi Council" was perhaps translated into the Chinese as "長老會" (elders' meeting), and then translated back as "Presybterian Church."

I lot of these expressions look like the papers I get from students who use translation software.

*I haven't seen it and probably never will.