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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Today, we remember...
two Latin American blesseds and a saint; a Puerto Rican, a Colombian, and a Chilean respectively:

Blessed Carlos Manuel Cecilio Rodriguez Santiago

Blessed Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos

Saint Terese of the Andes

As it is always profitable to learn about holy people from modern times, click on the links to learn their interesting stories.

It was my third week of a year-long stay in Chile when Santa Teresa de los Andes was canonized. It was still almost a decade before I was to become a Catholic, and I didn't quite know what to make of the national celebration the heralded the country's first saint. Everywhere one looked, the were Santa Teresa banners, Santa Teresa posters, Santa Teresa cards, Santa Teresa stamps, etc.

Looking back on the event, it was a beautiful synthesis of nationalism and religion, of the particular and the universal. Very Catholic, indeed!