Rep. Gang Gi-gap Throws DownFrom
[Photo]Brawl on rice pact:
Legislators tussled yesterday at the National Assembly, where a left-wing party succeeded in blocking hearings on a bill to open Korea's rice market a bit further. [NEWSIS]
Here's another angle from
[사진]누가 위원장인가:
23일 오전 국회 통일외교통상위에 상정될 예정인 쌀관세화 유예협상 비준동의안의 상정및 심의를 저지하기 위해 민노당 의원들이 통외통위 회의실을 점거한 가운데 강기갑의원이 임채정위원장석을 차지하고 있다. 좌는 임채정위원장.
The gentleman with the beard on the right is Rep. Gang Gi-gap, of the ultra-leftist and econonically nationalist Democratic Labor Party and former head of the Korean Catholic Farmers' Association. I've written about him before:
Gang Gi-gap: Korea's Best-Dressed Politician.
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