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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Enculturation in Korea
I'm not sure how well this will work for those outside of Korea, but this is a Mass I saw on Korean Catholic television last Sunday: 2005년 10월 16일 연중 제29주일 - 서울대교구 돈암동 성당 (click on the little TV).

The Mass is remarkable for several reasons. First, it is a parish's 50th anniversary Mass. Second, it is presided over by Stephen Cardinal Kim Sou-hwan, Archbishop Emeritus of Seoul. Third, and what caught my attention, the Mass uses traditional Korean instrumention, and quite reverently I might add. At about the 8:00 mark listen to the Kyrie followed directly by the Gloria. Later, Panis Angelicus is even sung with support from Korean instruments. Much of the music is Western, but with Korean instrumentation.

Jason Choi of KoreanCatholic told me he once stumbled into such a Mass in Seoul. I find it to be a solid example of Catholic enculturation and very reverent. Such masses add a dimension to the idea of Traditionalism.