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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Sunday, October 30, 2005

"Flower Boys" (Kkotminam)
"Women are supposed to be the fairer sex, but Asian men are spending a lot of time and money on their looks. Why? Because the girls like them that way": Mirror, Mirror....

Consumerism is what is behind this grotesque trend, and no region suffers from consumerism like Eastasia East Asia.

"If I dressed like this in Toronto, my friends would laugh at me," says one of the confused men quoted in the article. He continues as if stating an immutable law, "The fashion trends just change faster in Asia."

When I arrived in Korea in 1997, the men were still men. To a man, young men had short, black hair. Now, it is rare to find a young man who does not have his hair dyed or permed. Some even wear fingernail polish and make-up.

Mel Gibson's androgynous Satan in The Passion of the Christ (2004) was a stroke of genius. Deceit and confusion are the main tools at the Evil One's disposal, and perhaps nothing is more deceitful and confusing in our times than the postmodern ideas about men and women.

[link via The Marmot's Hole]