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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Korean Teens More Sexually Liberal in Belief than Their American Peers?
That's what this article seems to suggest: [Junior Herald]Korean, American teens have different values.

Here are some unscientific findings:
    Nearly 60 percent of Korean teens said they are open to dating, while 37 percent said it is too early to date. Sixty-three percent of American teens agreed that it is too early to date.

    Sixty percent of American teens said people shouldn't have sex before marriage. As for Korean teens, 47 percent refused to answer. Over 30 percent said people should wait until they get married.
My interpretation is as follows. American teens are "in the belly of the beast" (to borrow a phrase from the monster Che Guevara). Thus, they see the damage pre-marital sex hath wrought, with many of their class-mates pregnant or emotionally scarred. Korean teens are in schools from about 7:00 AM to as late as 1:00 AM (yes, 18 hours a day). Thus, they would have no time to have pre-marital sex even if they wanted to, yet it remains for them a kind of fantasy to give them hope of some excitement or rebellion in their otherwise excruciatingly dull lives.

Add to this religion. Many American teens are raised in religious households; very few Koreans are. Even some Korean Christians will keep their kids away from church and Sunday School because that is time that could be spent studying for the university entrance exam. Values here are not taught so much at home or in the church or temple, but at school.