Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Coreæ, orate pro nobis.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy Name Day!
To myself, and all the other Andreases out there, and the peoples of Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Scotland, and Greece, as well as fish dealers, fish mongers, fishermen, maidens, old maids, singers, spinsters, unmarried women, women who wish to become mothers, and those suffering from sore throats and gout, I wish a very Holy and Happy...On this day three years ago, I was received into the Catholic Church, and put myself under the patronage of Saint Andrew the Apostle, as it was providentially the memorial of the Saint whom my Protestant parents honored in giving me my middle name. Deo gratia!

Today, let's take up our Saltires and follow him who was first called to follow Him.