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Now Blogging Afresh at Ad Orientem 西儒 - The Western Confucian

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Look to Eastasia for the Brave New World to Come
In the wake of the Korean cloning scandal, comes this local editorial: [OUTLOOK]Need to create Eastern ethics. Here's a particularly frightening excerpt:
    Equally, we need a shift in our thinking. The existing global ethical standards may be outmoded in this era of cloned human embryos. Rather than trying to align with an outdated standard, we should found new ethical guidelines and then persuade the world to follow them.

    The development of science and ethics, the two axes of human development, must be pursued simultaneously. That is why South Korean life sciences should communicate more deeply with liberal studies and, in particular, religious studies. We should stop following the West's limited ethical viewpoint on life, and creatively come up with a new global standard that is based on the East's thoughts on life. We've shocked the world with a storm of achievement in life science; we need to follow it up by adding in creative ethical standards of our own regarding life.
    [my emphasis]
Here's more: S. Korea to designate Hwang's stem cell work as 'core technology'.