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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Olivia Hussey as the Saint of the Gutters
Last night, I rented Madre Teresa (2003) (TV), an English-language production made for Italian TV. All in all, it was a good film, but suffered from poor editing.

The movie was carried by its star, the lovely Olivia Hussey. From her earlier work in Romeo and Juliet (1968/I) and "Jesus of Nazareth" (1977), as the Blessed Virgin Mary, I had long been convinced that Miss Hussey was one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, actresses ever. Particularly as Juliet, her beauty is almost frightening. Miss Hussey so emersed herself in her role as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, that although her name was in the opening credits, it was not until about two-thrids of the way through the film that I realized she was playing the lead. I was waiting for Miss Hussey to appear as some wealthy heiress. Miss Hussey brought all of her beauty into her portrayal of one of God's most beautiful saints, a light in a very dark century. From all accounts, her work in this film was a labor of love for the Argentine-English actress, and was well recieved by the Missionaries Of Charity.

[This post is more about the actress than about the saint she played because, honestly, what could I say about Mother Teresa that hasn't already been said ?]