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Saturday, November 19, 2005

President Bush in Korea
Despite my opposition to his war, I do not hate the man. I do not think he is stupid, evil, nor worse than Hitler. Despite his mistakes and shortcomings, he has not made a mockery of his office, as did his predecessor.

He made what I thought the best case yet for the so-called War on Terror today in a speech at the Osan Air Base: Remarks by the President to the Troops. Still, I'm not buying.

Here's what the President had to say about Korea:
    The Republic of Korea is now a beacon of liberty that shines across the most heavily armed border in the world. It is a light reaching to a land shrouded in darkness. Together the United States and the Republic of Korea have shown that the future belongs to freedom and one day, all Koreans will enjoy the blessings of freedom.
Let us pray that he is right. Here's an image of the President wearing a durumagi, from Yahoo! News:
The durumagi and hanbok look much better without a necktie underneath. And CNN should make note that the durumagi is not a kimono.